Cette bibliographie présente les documents disponibles à la bibliothèque du Musée canadien de l'histoire sur les embarcations autochtones.
Bibliographie compilée par Brigitte Lafond
Division des services de gestion de l'information
25 juin 1996
ADNEY, Edwin Tappan; CHAPELLE, Howard I. The Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America (Reprint). Washington (D.C.): Smithsonian Institution Press. 1983.
Cote/Call number: E98 B6 A33 1983
ARIMA, E.Y. Contextual Study of the Caribou Eskimo Kayak. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada , Mercury Series, Canadian Ethnology Service, Paper No.25.
Cote/Call number: E53 C3 no.25
--- . Inuit Kayaks in Canada: A Review of Historical Records and Construction. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Mercury Series, Canadian Ethnology Service, Paper No.110.
Cote/Call number: E53 C3 no.110
--- . "Notes on the Kayak and its Equipment Ativuyivik, P.Q.". IN Contributions to Anthropology, 1961-62, part II. Ottawa: Department of the Secretary of State (National Museum of Canada, Bulletin No.194; Anthropological Series No.62). 1964. Pp. 221-280.
Cote/Call number: AC8 M87 no.194
--- . Rapport sur la reconstitution d'une pirogue baleinière de la Côte Ouest à Port Renfrew. Ottawa: Environnement Canada, Parcs Canada, Direction des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux (Histoire et archéologie 5). 1981.
Cote/Call number: E78 N78 A7214
--- . Report on an Eskimo Umiak Built at Ivuyivik, P.Q., in the Summer of 1960. Ottawa: Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources (National Museum of Canada, Bulletin No.189; Anthropological Series No.59). 1963.
Cote/Call number: AC8 M87 no.189
ARIMA, E.Y. et al. Contributions to Kayak Studies. Hull: Canadian Museum of Civilization, Mercury Series, Canadian Ethnology Service, Paper 122. 1991.
Cote/Call number: E53 C3 no.122
BECK, Horace P. The American Indian as a Sea-Fighter in Colonial Times. Mystic (Conn.): The Marine Historical Association, Inc. May 1959.
Cote/Call number: E82 B435 1959
BRINGHURST, Robert. The Black Canoe: Bill Reid and the Spirit of Haida Gwaii. Seattle: University of Washington Press; Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre. 1991.
Cote/Call number: E99 H2 B73 1991
BRINK, Wolfgang. The Aleutian Kayak: Origins, Construction, and Use of the Traditional Seagoing Baidarka. Camden (Maine): Ragged Mountain Press. 1995.
Cote/Call number: VM357 B75
DURHAM, Bill. Canoes and Kayaks of Western America. Seattle: Copper Canoe Press. 1960.
Cote/Call number: E98 B6 D8 1960
FITCHER, George S. How to Build an Indian Canoe. New York: David McKay Company Inc. 1977.
Note: "Adaptation of E.T. Adney's The bark canoes and skin boats of North America".
Cote/Call number: E98 B6 F52
FREEMAN, Milton M.R. "Observations on the kayak-complex, Belcher Islands, N.W.T." IN Contributions to Anthropology, 1961-62, part II. Ottawa: Department of the Secretary of State (National Museum of Canada, Bulletin No.194; Anthropological Series No.62). 1964. Pp. 56-91.
Cote/Call number: AC8 M87 no.194
GIDMARK, David. The Algonkin Birchbark Canoe. Aylesbury (England): Shire Publications Ltd. (Shire Ethnography 4). 1988.
Cote/Call number: GN440.2 G53 1988
--- . Birchbark Canoe: The Story of an Apprenticeship with the Indians. Burnstown (Ont.): General Store Publishing House Inc. 1989.
Cote/Call number: E99 A35 G54 1989
--- . Building a Birchbark Canoe: The Algonquin Wâbanäki Tcîmân. Mechanicsburg (PA): Stackpole Books. 1994.
Cote/Call number:E99 A13 G53 1994
--- . Birchbark Canoe: Living Among the Algonquin. Willowdale (Ont.): Firefly Books. 1997.
Cote/Call number: E99 A349 G48 1997
GUEMPLE, D.L. "The Pacalik Kayak of the Belcher Islands" IN Contributions to Ethnology. Ottawa: National Museum of Canada, Bulletin No.204, Anthropological Series No.70. Pp. 124-190.
Cote/Call number: AC8 M87 no.204
GUY, Camil. Le canot d'écorce à Weymontaching. Ottawa: Musées nationaux du Canada, Musée national de l'Homme, É;tudes anthropologiques, No.20. 1970.
Cote/Call number: E78 C2 A23 no.20f
--- . The Weymontaching Birchbark Canoe. National Museums of Canada, National Museum of Man, Anthropological Papers, No.20. 1974.
Cote/Call number: E78 C2 A23 no.20e
HODGINS, Bruce W.; HOYLE, Gwyneth. Canoeing North into the Unknown: A Record of River Travel: 1874 to 1974. Toronto: Natural Heritage / Natural History Inc. 1994.
Cote/Call number: FC3956 H74 1994
HOLM, Bill; QUIMBY, George Irving. Edward S. Curtis in the Land of the War Canoes: A Pioneer Cinematographer in the Pacific Northwest. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre. 1980.
Cote/Call number: TR849 C87 H64
HORNELL, James. Water Transport: Origins and Early Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1946.
Cote/Call number: GN440 H6 1946
HOWAY, F.W. "The First Use of the Sail by the Indians of the Northwest Coast". IN The American Neptune: A Quarterly Journal of Maritime History. Jan. 1949; vol.1, no.1.
Cote/Call number: E98 H8 1941
JENSEN, P. Scavenius. Den grønlandske kajak og dens redskaber. København: Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck. 1975.
Cote/Call number: E99 E7 S336
JOSEPHSON, Karla. Use of the Sea by Alaska Natives - A Historical Perspective. Anchorage (Alaska): University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center. May 1974.
Cote/Call number: E99 J64 1974
MARSHALL, Ingeborg Constanze Luise. Beothuk Bark Canoes: An Analysis and Comparative Study. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, National Museum of Man, Mercury Series, Canadian Ethnology Service, Paper No.102. 1985.
Cote/Call number: E53 C3 no.102
MONK, Carl; KNAP, Jerome. A Complete Guide to Canoeing: A Manual on Technique and Equipment and the Best Canoeing Routes in North America. Toronto: Parugian Press Limited. 1976.
Cote/Call number: GV783 M66
NEEL, David. The Great Canoes: Reviving a Northwest Coast Tradition. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre; Seattle: University of Washington Press. 1995.
Cote/Call number: E78 N77 N44 1995
OSLON, Ronald L. "Adze, Canoe, and House Types of the Northwest Coast" IN University of Washington Publications in Anthropology. 1927; vol.2, no.1; pp. 1-38.
Cote/Call number: E77 W35 v.2
PETERSEN, H.C. Qaanniornermut ilitsersuut / Instruktion I Kajakbygning / Instruction in Kayak Building. [s.l.]: The Greenland Provincial Museum; Roskilde: The Viking Ship Museum. [s.d.].
Cote/Call number: GN440.2 P47
--- . Skinboats of Greenland: Ships and Boats of the North - Volume 1. Roskilde: The National Museum of Denmark; The Museum of Greenland; The Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde. 1985.
Cote/Call number: E99 E7 P34
ROBERTS, Kenneth G.; SHACKLETON, Philip. The Canoe: A History of the Craft from Panama to the Arctic. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada. 1983.
Cote/Call number: VM353 R6
SIVERTSON, Howard. The Illustrated Voyageur. Mount Horeb (Wisconsin): Midwest Traditions. 1994.
Cote/Call number: F614 G7 S58 1994
TAYLOR, J. Garth. Canoe Construction in a Cree Cultural Tradition. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, National Museum of Man, Mercury Series, Canadian Ethnology Series, Paper No.64. 1980.
Cote/Call number: E53 C3 no.64
WATERMAN, T.T.; COFFIN, Geraldine. Types of Canoes on Puget Sound. New York: Museum of the American Indian Heye Foundation (Indian Notes and Monographs 5). 1920.
Cote/Call number: E51 N452 no.1-6, 8-9
ZIMMERLY, David W. An Annotated Bibliography of Kayaks. Ottawa: National Museum of Man, Canadian Ethnology Service. March 1982.
Cote/Call number: Vertical Files - ZIMMERLY, D.W.
--- . Arctic Kayaks. [Ottawa]: National Museums of Canada; National Museum of Man, Canadian Ethnology Service (Canadian Studies Report; April 1980, no.11e).
--- . Contextual Studies of Material Culture. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, National Museum of Man, Mercury Series, Canadian Ethnology Service Paper No.43. 1978.
Cote/Call number: E53 C3 no.43
--- . Hooper Bay Kayak Construction. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, National Museum of Man, Mercury Series, Canadian Ethnology Service, Paper No.53. 1979.
Cote/Call number: E53 C3 no.53
--- . An Illustrated Glossary of Kayak Terminology. [Ottawa]: Canadian Museums Association. [197-].
Cote/Call number: GV783 Z55
--- . Les kayaks de l'Arctique. [Ottawa]: Musées nationaux du Canada; Musée national de l'Homme, Service canadien d'ethnologie (Rapport sur les études canadiennes; avril 1980, no.11f).
At the Caribou Crossing Place. Montréal: National Film Board of Canada. 1994.
Cote/Call number: VIDEO 161 v.1, v.2
Building a Kayak. Montréal: National Film Board of Canada. 1994.
Cote/Call number: VIDEO 160 v.1, v.2
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