![Food we Must Have But Farmers Need Help! - AN19920196-160 [PCDN=3309-2011-0592-064]](images/agriculture_e_min.gif)
Food we Must Have But Farmers Need Help!
The War Economy and Controls: Agriculture
By 1939 Canadian agriculture was recovering from the worst of the
Great Depression. There was some additional production on hand,
particularly wheat, to meet the requirements of war. The federal
government in Ottawa immediately set up an Agricultural Supplies
Board to meet the food needs of Canada as well as overseas orders.
In March 1943, the government created the more powerful Agricultural
Food Board to bring together all production in a single programme.
Canada received a seat on the Allied Combined Food Board in 1943, in
recognition of its gigantic contribution to this vital part of the
war. As the Germans overran continental Europe, Britain looked across the
Atlantic for food. Despite heavy losses inflicted among food-carrying ships
by German ,
nearly 1.5 billion kilograms of
bacon, more than 325 million kilograms of cheddar cheese and
similarly large quantities of other meats and butter were sent to Britain
during the war. Whole eggs were converted to egg powder and milk was condensed,
making it easier to ship. Processing plants in Canada dehydrated
cabbages, carrots, onions and potatoes. It was hardly gourmet food,
but it helped Britons to keep going in a hard war in which they were
on the front line. Canadian farmers made these prodigious wartime efforts in spite of a
steady shortage of labour. Young people left farms for the armed
forces or better-paying jobs in industry. However, temporary help
from students, home defence soldiers and prisoners of war, along
with a group of harvesters who moved from one region to another,
eased the shortages. So too did the putting off of compulsory
military service for farmers' sons and farm labourers
( see Conscription ). Related Newspaper Articles
English Articles
- Finance at Large
The Globe and Mail, 01/11/1939
- Farmers Urged to Prepare For Big Demands of Future
The Hamilton Spectator, 16/11/1939
- Defense Work Draining Labor From Farmers
The Globe And Mail, 16/08/1940
- Harvest Leave For Soldiers
The Globe And Mail, 16/07/1941
- Foresees Cut in Manpower For Farm Work
The Globe And Mail, 27/07/1942
- Farm Labour Drops Steadily, Further Depletion Expected
The Hamilton Spectator, 25/08/1942
- Canadian Farmers: You Have Done Well! Wartime Production is Still Growing
The Hamilton Spectator, 14/10/1942
- Airmen Helping to Gather Crops, More Aid Needed
The Hamilton Spectator, 09/08/1944
- 6 000 Men Will Travel West to Help Harvest Grain Crops
The Globe And Mail, 10/08/1945
French Articles
Pourquoi M. Godbout a demandé à Ottawa de ne pas faire de recrutement dans les campagnes
Le Devoir, 12/01/1940
Les militaires aux champs
Le Devoir, 27/07/1940
L'Angleterre achète cent millions de boisseaux de blé
Le Devoir, 03/08/1940
L'entraînement des fils de cultivateurs
Le Devoir, 13/09/1940
Le Canada peut remplir les greniers de la Grande-Bretagne
Le Devoir, 29/10/1940
L'agriculture, première ligne de défense du Canada
Le Devoir, 01/05/1941
Effets de la guerre sur notre culture maraîchère
Le Devoir, 12/06/1941
L'agriculture canadienne subit une crise de main-d'oeuvre
Le Devoir, 27/01/1942
Va-t-on continuer de dégarnir le front agricole
Le Devoir, 05/02/1942
Main-d'oeuvre agricole et service militaire
Le Devoir, 06/02/1942
La pêche manque de bras comme l'agriculture
Le Devoir, 19/03/1942
Congé spécial aux soldats-agriculteurs
Le Devoir, 26/03/1942
Service sélectif. Les ouvriers agricoles
Le Devoir, 02/04/1942
L'exemption du service militaire pour les fils de cultivateurs
Le Devoir, 18/04/1942
L'influence des vivres sur l'issue de la guerre
Le Devoir, 30/05/1942
"Le Canada enverra 9,000,000 de boisseaux de blé en Russie"
Le Devoir, 08/09/1942
Vaste programme agricole à Ottawa
Le Devoir, 17/09/1942
La main-d'oeuvre agricole et forestière
Le Devoir, 29/09/1942
Grave problème de la main d'œuvre agricole dans Québec
Le Devoir, 26/01/1943
Pour parer à la pénurie de main-d'oeuvre agricole
Le Devoir, 05/07/1944