4. Meeting Room No. 10,
Winnipeg Labor Temple
By 1913 the Winnipeg Trades and Labour Council
stood highest among worker organizations in western Canada and equal to any
in the east. Its headquarters, the James Street Labor Temple, served
eighty unions as well as fraternal and benevolent associations. No space
was more used nor more symbolic of the labor movement than Meeting Room
No. 10, which is partly reproduced in the Museum.
During the months leading to the Winnipeg General Strike of 1919, within the
weeks of conflict itself, and the Strike's aftermath, thousands of unionists
gathered in Meeting Room No. 10 to discuss, debate, plan, organize, direct,
and console among themselves. The Museum re-creates part of that drama
through a multi-media representation.
Meeting Room No. 10 and the Social Progress Gallery adjacent to it house
exhibits exploring early forms of labour self-help; the emergence of
organized labour; labour protection legislation; elections management;
and the history of social programs such as social insurance benefits and
health care provisions.
Opened: October 28, 1999
MORE INFORMATION: Canadian Labour History, 1850-1999