Travelling from east to west, this virtual exhibition presents a thousand years of Canada’s rich history and culture.
Meet a Viking family arriving in Newfoundland around AD 1000. Discover New France through a farmhouse, public square, inn, hospital and the houses of a shoemaker and a cooper (a barrel maker). Visit a voyageur camp, a lumber camp, a Métis campsite, British military living quarters and a Maritime shipyard. Go window shopping along the main street of a small town in late 19th-century Ontario. Visit a turn-of-the-century prairie railway station and railway yard, a Saskatchewan grain elevator, an authentic Ukrainian church, a Chinese hand laundry and a 1920s Alberta oil derrick. Finally, explore the history of Canada’s North at Yellowknife's Wildcat Cafe, the town’s first restaurant and a popular gathering spot for prospectors, bush pilots, miners and trappers.
Note: The gallery space that had been devoted to the Canada Hall is now being completely renovated to become part of the upcoming Canadian History Hall. When it opens on July 1, 2017, the 150th anniversary of Confederation, the Canadian History Hall will be the largest and most comprehensive exhibition ever developed on the history of Canada.