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BibliographyAs with any social policy in a democratic setting, public pensions in Canada have been surrounded by controversy, and that is likely to remain the case. After all, aren't pensions (literally) a matter of life and death? The debates have explored the issues from various perspectives: the relationship between the provinces or regions of Canada and the federal government; partisan disputes in Parliament; the position of religious or philosophical creeds; or, at a more down-to-earth level, the competing forecasts of premiums and payouts. The following bibliography aims at helping the user to reach his or her own opinion through a more in-depth study of the topic. It includes official documents and general and specialized historical reference works, as well as sources reflecting the wide range of opinions on the subject, both within Canada and abroad. Alberta Salary and Wage Rate Survey, 2nd ed. Allen, Richard. The Social Passion: Religion and Social Reform in Canada. 1914-1928, Toronto: 1971. Ascah, Louis. The Great Pension Debate: Federal and Provincial Pension Reform - Missing, Misleading and Shrinking:Proposals. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Ottawa: 1991. Asimakopulos, A. The Nature of Public Pension Plans: Intergenerational Equity, Funding, and Saving. Hull: The Economic Council of Canada, 1980. Axinn, June and Mark Stein. "Women and the Post-Industrial Welfare State." Social Work Vol. 32, No. 4 (1987): 282-86. Azoulay, Dan Andre. Canadian Political Parties; Historical Readings. Toronto: Irwin Pub., 1999. B.C. Directory for 1884-85, The. Baetz, Reuben C. " The Significance of the Conference for Canada," in Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Aging. Toronto: 1966. Bank of Canada's Inflation Calculator http://www.bankofcanada.ca/en/rates/inflation_calc.html Banting, Keith, G., Institutional Conservatism: Federalism and Pension Reform. n.p.: n.d. Bartlett, P. "Sexual distinctions in pensions" Osgoode Hall Law Journal Vol. 24, (1986). Bélanger, Yves et al., L'ère des libéraux : le pouvoir fédéral de 1963 à 1984, Québec, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1988. Bell, John, Guardians of the North: the national superhero in comic-book art, Ottawa: National Archives of Canada. 1992. Bellavance, Michel, Les politiques gouvernementales. Élaboration, gestion, évaluation, 2e éd., Montréal, Agence d'Arc, 1988. Bennet, B., "The economics of wifing services: law and economics on the family." Journal of Law and Society Vol. 18 (1991) pp. 206-218. Bergdolt-Munzer, S.L. "Homemakers and retirement income benefits: the other home security issue."Chicano Law ReviewVol. 8 (1985), pp. 61-80. Bernard, André, Politiques et gestion des finances publiques, Québec et Canada, Montréal, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1992. Beveridge, William. Social Insurance and Allied Services. London: 1942. Blackburn, Robin, Banking on Death. Or Investing in Life: The History and Future of Pensions. London: Verso Books, 2002. Blair, R.S, Jack, McLeod. The Canadian Political Tradition; Basic Readings, Scarborough, Ont.: Nelson Canada, 1993. Bothwell, Robert; Ian Drummond and John English. Canada 1900-1945. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987. Brocas, Anne-Marie; Anne-Marie Cailloux, and Virginie Oget. Women and Social Security: Progress Towards Equality of Treatment. Geneva: International Labour Office. 1990. Brown, D., "Sex discrimination in pension plans." Dalhousie Law Journal. Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 189-200. Brown, R.C. and R. Cook. Canada 1896-1921. Toronto: 1976. Bryden, Kenneth. Old Age Pensions and Policy Making in Canada 4th ed. Montreal & London: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1974. Bryden, Penny. Planners and Politicians; Liberal politics and social policy, 1957-1968. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1997. Burbridge, John. Social Security in Canada: An Economic Appraisal. Toronto: Canadian Tax Foundation, 1987. Canada Pension Plan Advisory Committee. More Effective Participation of Homemakers in the Canada Pension Plan, Ottawa: (1983), 41 pages with 7 page minority report. Canada. Task Force on Retirement Income Policy, The Retirement Income System in Canada: Problems and Alternative Policies for Reform, Ottawa: Government of Canada. (1980), 2 vols. Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities,Consensus for Pension Reform. (1982). Canadian Association of Retired Persons 2001 (CARP) www.50plus.com Carman, Francis A. "Canadian Government Annuities, A Study of Their Relationship to Poverty in Old Age," New York, Academy of Political Science. Quarterly Vol. 30, No. 3 (Sept. 1915), pp 425-447. Cassidy, Harry. "Social Services in a Federal System," Social Service Review, 14:12 (December 1940) , 4th. Castell Hopkins, J. "Voluntary Contributions to War Funds," Canadian Annual Review. Toronto:1914. Chenier, C.Y. "Pension reform to benefit women: how far have we come?" in Pask, E. Diane and Kathleen E. Mahoney, and Catherine A.Brown. eds. Women, The Law and the Economy. Toronto: Butterworths, 1985. Clark, Hart. D. "Background Paper on Features of Interest and Concern to Women in the Canadian Income System." Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women. Ottawa: 1980. Collins, Kevin. Women and Pensions. Canadian Council on Social Development. Ottawa: 1978. Conklin, David W, Jalymnh Bennet and Thomas J. Courchene. eds. Pensions Today and Tomorrow: Background Studies. Toronto: Ontario Economic Council. 1984. Couturier, Jacques-Paul, Wendy Johnston & Réjean Ouellette, Un passé composé : le Canada de 1850 à nos jours. Moncton, Éditions d'Acadie, 2000. Croll, David. Retirement Without Tears. Report of the Special Senate Committee on Retirement Age Policies. 1979. Cumming, Carman. Sketches from a Young Country; the Images of Grip Magazine. Toronto: University of Toronto Press,1997. [includes cartoons by J.W. Bengough published in Grip, 1873-1894.] Daniel, Christine, & Bruno Palier (dir.), La protection sociale en Europe : le temps des réformes. Direction de la recherche, des études, de l'évaluation et des statistiques, Ministère de l'emploi et de la solidarité. Paris : La Documentation française, 2001. Deaton, Richard Lee, The Political Economy of Pensions: Power, Politics and Social Change in Canada, Britain and the United States. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1989. Debates of the Senate of the Dominion of Canada, 1906-07. Third Session, Tenth Parliament of Canada. (Ottawa, 1907). Denton, Frank T., Melvin L. Kliman, Byron G. Spencer. Pensions and the Economic Security of the Elderly: Commentary Number Two. Montreal: C.D. Howe Institute, (1981). Department of Finance Canada news release, "Federal Provincial Review of the Canada Pension Plan." (Ottawa, December 9, 1999.) Department of Finance Canada news release, "Finance Minister's Statement on the Senior's Benefit." (Ottawa, July 28, 1998.) Desbarats, Peter. The Hecklers; A History of Canadian Political Cartooning and a Cartoonists' History of Canada, Toronto: McClelland and Stewart. 1979. De Schweinitz, K. England's Road to Social Security. 4th edition. 1975. Economic Council of Canada. One in Three: Pensions for Canadians to 2030. Ottawa: 1979. Eichler, Margrit. Families in Canada Today: Recent Changes and Their Policy Consequences, 2nd edition. Toronto: Gage, 1988. Finkel, Alvin. Business and Social Reform in the Thirties, 4th edition. Toronto: 1976. Frank, David, "The bad old days: Canada's earliest public pensions are hardly worth celebrating...", The Ottawa Citizen, 24 September 2002. French Society and Culture since the Old Regime, 5th edition. Frith, Douglas. Pension Reform: Report on the Parliamentary Task Force. 1983. Gee, E.M. and S.A. McDaniel. "Pension Politics and Challenges: Retirement Policy Implications" Canadian Public Policy Vol. 17.(1991). Granatstein, J.L. The Ottawa Men: the Civil Service Mandarins, 1935-1957, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998. Graves, R.. The Long Weekend: A Social History of Britain, 5th edition, 1918-1939 Grayson, L.M. Wretched of Canada 1 vol. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (1971). Grubel, Herbert (ed.), How to Use the Fiscal Surplus : What is the Optimal Size of Government? Vancouver: The Fraser Institute, 1998. Guest, Dennis. The Emergence of Social Security in Canada, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1985. Guillemette, Rev. André-Marie. "Future Activity on Behalf of the Aging." in Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Aging. Toronto: 1966. Haley, Donna J. Report of the Royal Commission on the Status of Pensions in Ontario. 1980. Hall, Gordon and M., Mercer. Handbook of Canadian Pension and Benefit Plans, 11th ed, Toronto: CCH Canadian, 1996. Harevan, Tamara. "An Ambiguous Alliance: Some Aspects of American Influences on Canadian Social Welfare, 4th. ed." Histoire sociale. 1969. Health and Welfare Canada and Department of Finance, Better Pensions for Canadians (Green Paper), 1982. Henripin, Jacques. Les pensions de retraite dans une société vieillissante. Montréal : Institut de recherche en politiques publiques, 1997. Also available on the Internet: www.irpp.org/fr/choices/archive/vol3no1.pdf Income Security for Canadians (White Paper),(1970). Ismael, J. S., ed. Canadian Social Welfare Policy: Federal and Provincial Dimensions. Kingston: 1985. John, David C. Six Rules for Real Social Security Reform. Washington: Heritage Foundation, 2001: www.heritage.org/Research/SocialSecurity/EM717.cfm Jones, Andrew and Len Rutman. In the Children's Aid, 4th ed. Toronto: 1981. Kealey, G., ed. Canada Investigates Industrialism. Toronto: 1973. Kealey, Linda. A Not Unreasonable Claim; Women and Reform in Canada, 1880s-1920s. 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