1. B. Kwiatowska, The 200 Mile Exclusive Economic Zone in the New Law
of the Sea, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1989, p.xxiii.
2. R. D. Eckert, The Enclosure of Ocean Resources, Hoover Institution
Press, 1979, p.116.
3. S. Parsons, Management of Marine Fisheries in Canada, National
Research Council of Canada, 1993, p.226.
4. United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), United Nations,
New York 1983.
5. J. A. Beesley, Grotius and the Pirates, paper delivered at the
Memorial University Colloquium on the Oceans 1995, pp.2-3.
6. Eckert, p.3 and pp.128-129.
7. Eckert, p.4.
8. The concept of the "common heritage of mankind" was expounded in public
for the first time in 1967 by Arvid Pardo, Ambassador of Malta, at the
meeting of the U.N. Seabed Committee, Beesley, p.5.
9. UNCLOS Article 82.
10. C. L. Mitchell, Canada's Law of the Sea Position, The Economic
Implications, unpublished paper, 1974, Library of the Department of
Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa, pp.27-30, 32.
11. Parsons, p.228.
12. Parsons, p.229.
13. Parsons, p.239.
14. Mitchell, p.30.
15. Mitchell, pp.30-31.
16. Mitchell, p.32.
17. Kwiatowska, p.xx.
18. Kwiatowska, p.xx.
19. Kwiatowska, p.x.
20. E. L. Miles, Global Ocean Politics, Kluwer Law International, 1998, p.3.
21. Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to
the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly
Migratory Fish Stocks adopted August 4, 1995 by the United Nations
Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks,
United Nations Publications, New York 1995.
22. A. H. Hoel, Performance of Exclusive Economic Zone, Dartmouth
College Hanover New Hampshire U.S.A., Institutional Dimensions of Global
Environmental Change. Scoping Report No. 2, July 2000, p.i.