Kivalliq In the Keewatin region, artists developed a sparse, minimal style in which sculptural form took precedence over narrative content. Arviat became known for its sculptresses. To this day, Arviat pieces tend to be small, minimal and barely polished. Single figures and multiple faces are a dominant theme. In Rankin Inlet, artists used heavy, monumental forms, leaving the surface rough, with chisel marks still showing. A hard unyielding stone encouraged a semi-abstract style, rough and expressive in character. Some carvers continued to work in ivory, a material that had been favoured for carving before 1948. | |
Baker Lake artists worked with a hard, green-black local stone. They gave form to massive, monumental groupings in which the family was often the central theme. They also contributed antler as a carving material. In a culture dependent on the caribou hunt, antler was used in the past for tools and other utilitarian objects.
HIGHLIGHT FROM THE EXHIBIT Kneeling Woman with Owls Iqqaipaa Menu | Exhibition | Nunavik | Qikiqtaaluk | Kivalliq | Kitikmeot and Inuvialuit |