People of the Longhouse
Women's Influence on the Men's World
Clans were the basis of
Iroquoian social and political organization. A nation might
consist of half a dozen clans. These were often named for, and
symbolized by, an animal such as the wolf, the turtle and the
bear. Clan members often decorated objects of everyday use with
their clan symbol.
People from the same clan considered themselves as brothers and
sisters. Membership was a basis for clan members cooperating and
assisting each other, even if they were not members of the same
Clan Mothers' influence was felt most directly at the community
level. The village council was composed of chiefs representing
each clan. These chiefs, all of them men, were appointed by Clan
Mothers. The Clan Mothers could also depose chiefs they judged
to be incompetent. People always asked for, and respected, the
Clan Mothers' opinion. Their advice was sought when war was
declared, or peace negotiated.
"Now, listen, Brother: know that it has been the
request of our head warrior that we are left to answer for our
women, who are to conclude what ought to be done by both sachems
(chiefs) and warriors. So hear what is their conclusion."
Red Jacket, 1791