LIFELINES | Cross Currents | The Cod Rush | Swales and Whales |
Possessions | A Lobster Tale | The Lure of the River | Nova Scotia Motor Fishing Boats

Lifelines: Canada's East Coast Fisheries

Cross Currents
500 Generations of Aboriginal Fishing 
in Atlantic Canada
Saltwater Fish
Cross Currents: 
500 Generations of Aboriginal Fishing in Atlantic Canada


Malegomichk: "A Place of Many Coves"

A protected harbour and rich marine resources supported significant settlement in Merigomish Harbour, Nova Scotia. Shell midden sites in the area contained a wide range of stone, well-preserved bone and antler fishing implements, and the remains of mammals, birds, fish and shellfish.

In 1913 and 1914, W.J. Wintemberg and H.I. Smith conducted some of the earliest archaeological work in Canada at sites in Merigomish Harbour. They located eighteen middens in the harbour. Sheltered bays on southern slopes and islands were preferred sites for human habitation.

Archaeological excavation 
of shell midden - CD95-890-005
Archaeological excavation 
of shell midden - CD95-890-025

Archaeological excavation of shell midden in progress, 1913-1914
(Photos: W.J. Wintemberg, Canadian Museum of Civilization)



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