n the midst of the
Depression, a social movement emerged in the United
States that in a few short years altered dramatically
labour relations in North America. It began at the 1935
Annual American Federation of Labor (AFL) Convention.
J.L. Lewis, the influential president of the militant United
Mine Workers' of America, challenged the AFL to open its
ranks to industrial unions. Before the convention ended, Lewis
had won enough support to force upon the AFL's reluctant leadership
the creation of the Committee for Industrial Organizing (CIO). The
committee's mandate was to spread the gospel of industrial unionism.
CIO organizers across the United States began preaching
the philosophy of industrial unionism to an enthusiastic reception from
American working men and women. Union drives quickly reached into the
heart of mass production in the auto, steel, rubber, meatpacking, and
electrical parts plants of American industry. The workers' frustration
with their situations exploded into a militancy of mass picketing and
factory occupations. Soon CIO workers celebrated victories that many
could not have imagined possible only a few short years before. The
CIO's success in the workplace forced political changes as well. New
Deal legislation and the Wagner Act, partly brought about as a result of
labour pressure, solidified unions' legal rights in the United
States. It did not, however, come without a cost to labour.
In Canada, union sympathizers watched events south of the
border with growing anticipation. By 1937, Canadians were approaching
the CIO for help. Already overwhelmed by events in the United States,
CIO leaders had few resources to share with Canadian organizers. They
offered moral support, a small amount of money, and one organizer. It
was obvious that the success of the CIO in Canada would depend on
Canadian union activists. Interest in the CIO spread quickly. Loggers
in British Columbia, women clothing workers in Montreal and steelworkers
in Sydney were among the first to sign CIO cards. But it was the mass-
production industries of Southern Ontario that represented the heart of
the movement. Here the organizational skill of the largely communist
leadership of the early CIO years faced its greatest test.