Exhibit Specimen 5
(SIL-51/411,4112-4117,4124, sherds M981-982)
This is a shallow ceramic container that has been interpreted as a plate or possibly a lamp. It was found in 1971 at site HiLp-3 on Southern Indian Lake in Northern Manitoba by a Churchill Diversion Archaeological Project crew lead by David K. Riddle. These artifacts are quite distinctive and limited in distribution to Northern Manitoba where they are part of the Kame Hills Complex, an archaeological culture dated to between 250 and 1100 years ago and believed to be ancestral to the Cree people who inhabit the region today.
The shallow container is decorated with the same basic elements as are found on the more numerous globular pots (for example see Exhibit Specimens 6 and 7). The upper surface of the rim is marked with a double row of punctates which raised bosses on the opposite surface. Similarly, there is a pattern on the plate made with punctates whose meaning is open to interpretation.
This artifact was kindly made available for this exhibit by the Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Further Reading
Dickson, G.A.
1980 The Kame Hills Site. Final Report No.9. Papers in Manitoba Archaeology. Department of Cultural Affairs and Historical Resources, Winnipeg.
Wright, J.V.
1971 Cree Culture History in the Southern Indian Lake Region. Contributions to Anthropology VII. Bulletin 232, National Museum of Man:1-31.
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