Specimen 13 - S2000-5681 - CD2000-159-027
Exhibit Specimen 13
(CMCC BdHi-1:RV3)

This Saugeen Culture container was found at the Donaldson Site (near Lake Huron) in 1971 by William D. Finlayson. Its distinguishing features include its conoidal form, which resulted from the use of the coil method of vessel construction, and the use of an alternately-toothed implement (leaving what are referred to as "pseudo-scallop shell" impressions) or dentate stamp to decorate the exterior surface. These decorations form clearly defined bands on the pot's surface, starting along the interior just below the rim where opposing oblique impressions overlap to produce a criss-cross effect. The thinned rim itself bears notches made with the stamp as well. Just below the rim on the exterior is a band of slightly oblique, short pseudo-scallop shell impressions over a broad band of several parallel, horizontal lines, formed of similar impressions. Lastly, the bottom portion of the pot was decorated with pseudo-scallop shell impressions applied with a pivoting motion, leaving the charateristic Saugeen "rocker stamp".

The pot form, construction method and decorations are all hallmarks of the Middle Woodland Period throughout Ontario. With additional research focussing more closely on local events, archaeologists are finding that several regional variations of pottery styles existed during the time period which spanned the last few centuries B.C. and extended to the end of the first millenium A.D. in southern Ontario and somewhat later in northern Ontario.

Further Reading

Finlayson, W.D.
1977 The Saugeen Culture: A Middle Woodland Manifestation in Southwestern Ontario. National Museum of Man, Archaeological Survey of Canada Mercury Series, Paper No.61, Ottawa.

Spence, M.W., R.H. Pihl and C.R. Murphy
1990 Cultural Complexes of the Early and Middle Woodland Periods. InThe Archaeology of Southern Ontario to A.D. 1650, edited by C.J. Ellis and N. Ferris. Occasional Publication of the London Chapter, OAS, No.5:125-169.

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