

The Métis-Cree of Canada are the children of the Cree women and French, Scottish and English fur traders who were used to form alliances between Native peoples and trading companies. We, the Métis, are a nation, sharing the traditions of all our mothers and fathers.

Our stories teach us how to treat our fellow beings. Stories that are told to entertain rather than to teach, such as the endless cycles of the superhuman being Wisakecahk, are forbidden during the summer months when we must work as hard as possible.

How the People Hunted the Moose
(Short Version)

A family of moose was sitting in the lodge when a pipe came floating in through the door, passing close to each of the Moose People until it reached the youngest of the young bull moose. He took the pipe and started to smoke it. The old moose knew that it was a pipe the human beings were smoking to ask for success in their hunt. "Now, tomorrow, they will find us," he said. But the young moose was not afraid, for he thought he could outrun them.

When the Moose People reached the edge of the forest the next day, they caught the scent of the hunters. The thin crust on the snow made it hard for the moose to move quickly. The young moose was still sure he could outrun the hunters, but the hunters were wearing snowshoes. They followed him until he tired, and then they killed him. They thanked him for giving himself to them so they could survive. They treated his body with care, soothing his spirit.

When the young moose woke up in his bed that night, he said to the others, "Those hunters treated me with respect. It is right for us to allow the human beings to catch us." And so it is to this day. Those hunters who show respect for the moose are always the ones who are successful when they hunt.

Adapted from The Native Stories from Keepers of the Animals, by Joseph Bruchac

How the People Hunted the Moose
(Long Version)

CMC 74-455 - CD98-59-016

Young Bull Moose
Wood and pigment

CMC III-DD-9 a-b - CD98-59-011

Western Woods Cree
Catilinite, wood
Whitefish Lake Reserve, Alberta

CMC III-D-129 - CD98-59-017

Model Wigwam/ Lodge (Metutshisanigamug) 1962
Eastern Woods Cree
Willow twigs, bark
Made by David Cheezo, Eastmain, Quebec

CMC III-D-842 a-b - CD98-59-009

Model Snowshoes
East Main Cree
Wood, sinew, hide, embroidery floss
Chisasibi Reserve, Fort George

CMC III-D-188 - CD98-59-010

Model Spear (Ashimagun) 1962
Eastern Woods Cree
Bone, wood
Made by Billy Cheezo, Eastmain, Quebec

CMC V-Z-13b - CD98-59-015

Presentation Knife
Swampy Cree-Métis (Plains, Red River-type)
Steel, horn
Collected in Manitoba, 1846-47